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Peel Slowly And See indie alternative ontdekken Leiden concert live
19:00 Grote en kleine zaal Indie

Peel Slowly And See

Het meest avontuurlijke muziekfestival van Leiden!


Prijs vanaf: € 48,50

Het meest avontuurlijke muziekfestival van Leiden keert in 2025 terug op vrijdag 21 en zaterdag 22 maart. Er zijn voor een beperkte periode EARLY BIRD tickets verkrijgbaar.

Peel Slowly and See, ooit begonnen als initiatief van (vrienden van) platenzaak Velvet Leiden, wordt gecoördineerd door een samenwerkende groep programmeurs. Hierdoor is de kenmerkende muzikale breedte ontstaan; op Peel Slowly and See gaan er nieuwe deuren open voor de nieuwsgierige liefhebber. Je kunt er de nieuwste Londense jazzformatie ontdekken, maar ook knisperende elektronica, intrigerende niet-Westerse muziek en tegendraadse gitaarbands.

Line-up zaterdag 22 maart:

  • James Holden & Wacław Zimpel
  • Arp Frique & the Perpetual Singers
  • Rafting Goods
  • Atol Atol Atol
  • Los Pirañas
  • Benjamin Herman's Bughouse
  • Zamilska
  • Jozef van Wissem
  • Satanique Samba Trio
  • Los Sara Fontan
  • Saba Alizadeh
  • Zalm
  • Ni
  • Aart Strootman & Margherita Brillada
  • Velvet Playground (FOYER Nobel)

Check de website van Peel Slowly and See voor de volledige line-up

James Holden & Waclaw Zimpel

James Holden worked with the biggest names on the planet, including Madonna, Britney Spears, and Depeche Mode, and established his own record company, Border Community. Together with Polish clarinet-guru Waclaw Zimpel, he creates deliciously kraut-in-the-moment improvisations—techno meets jazz.

Arp Frique & The Perpetual Singers

A new journey, channeling their love for organic, funk-based music, filled with obscure synths and bubbly basslines with their newest influence: gospel-disco. The Perpetual Singers is a stellar gospel group with Brandon Delagraentiss and Rocq-E Harrell, who worked with some of the biggest names on the planet (Stevie Wonder, Barry White, Earth, Wind & Fire to name a few). Houston, we don’t have a problem, we’re ready for lift-off!

Rafting Goods

The biggest rapcrew of The Netherlands descends on the Nobel during PSAS. The Rafting Goods collective exclusively consists of Dutch hiphop royalty & heavweights. Peel Slowly and MC!

Atol Atol Atol

Post-punk quartet Atol Atol Atol from Wroclaw, have strong ties to the city’s vibrant DIY underground scene. They play angular, overstimulated, rhythmically organized yet freedom-hungry songs.


Iggy Pop and Nine Inch Nails are fans of Zamilska’s heavy rhythmic bassy sounds. Though her music is associated with techno, her music reaches way beyond the definition of the genre, with influences from everywhere, world music, noise, and electronica, from tribal chants to oriental elements, pensive yet melodic. Famous in Poland, ready to take over the world, starting at Peel Slowly And See.

Jozef van Wissem

Renowned Dutch avant-garde composer and lutenist playing his all black, one-of-a-kind custom-made baroque lute all around the world.

Los Piranas

Colombian trio that blends traditional cumbia and champeta rhythms with elements of surf rock and psychedelic music.

Benjamin Herman’s Bughouse

An explosive clash of punk and jazz formed around prolific musician Benjamin Herman, sparking new energy from jazz, punk, and noise.

Satanique Samba Trio

Adding virulence, dissonance and provocation to Brazil’s musical heritage. No traditional rhythm remains unscathed on their trail of desecration.

Los Sara Fontan

Experimental duo from Barcelona, that builds an immerse and expressive sound with violin, drums and a battery of live electronica.

Saba Alizadeh

Renowned experimental composer and photographer, son of eminent Hossein Alizadeh, combining Persian kamancheh with live electronics


Four-headed monster, leaving the linear roads of France in order to live in a complex world paced by electrical sounds and varying polyrhythms.



Aart Strootman & Margherita Brillada

Pioneering guitarist/composer Strootman and sound artist/composer Brillada, invited to develop new work by ACPA of University Leiden

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